Source code for lakeformation.pb.playbook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import uuid
import boto3
from pathlib import Path
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
from ordered_set import OrderedSet

from typing import (
    List, Tuple, Set, Dict, Iterable, Sequence, Mapping,
    Union, Any, Optional, Type,

from ..logger import logger
from ..abstract import HashableAbc
from ..principal import (
    IamRole, IamUser, IamGroup, ExternalAccount,
from ..permission import Permission
from ..resource import (
    Resource, NonLfTagResource,
    Database, Table, Column,
    DataLakeLocation, DataCellsFilter, LfTag,
from ..validator import validate_attr_type
from ..utils import get_local_and_utc_now, get_diff_and_inter, grouper_list
from ..boto_utils import list_recursively
from .asso import DataLakePermission, LfTagAttachment

[docs]class Playbook: """ [CN] Playbook 是一个用于管理 LakeFormation Object 的抽象类. 也可以理解为一个数据容器. 每一个 Playbook 只能负责一个 AWS Account 的一个 Region. :param _skip_validation: internal parameter for testing. If true, skip validation for boto session and workspace directory. """ def __init__( self, boto_ses: boto3.session.Session = None, workspace_dir: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, _skip_validation: bool = False ): self.boto_ses = boto_ses # use current working directory as workspace dir if not specified if workspace_dir is None: self.workspace_dir: Path = Path.cwd() else: self.workspace_dir: Path = Path(workspace_dir) self.iam_client = None self.glue_client = None self.lf_client = None self.sts_client = None self.account_id: Optional[str] = None self.region: Optional[str] = None self.playbook_id: Optional[str] = "void_playbook_id" self.deployed_pb: Optional[Playbook] = None self.principals: Dict[str, Principal] = dict() self.resources: Dict[str, Resource] = dict() self.datalake_permissions: Dict[str, DataLakePermission] = dict() self.lf_tag_attachments: Dict[str, LfTagAttachment] = dict() if _skip_validation is not True: self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self): # pragma: no cover """ Validate playbook arguments. """ validate_attr_type(self, "boto_ses", self.boto_ses, boto3.session.Session) # workspace directory has to exists assert self.workspace_dir.exists() # create boto client self.iam_client = self.boto_ses.client("iam") self.glue_client = self.boto_ses.client("glue") self.lf_client = self.boto_ses.client("lakeformation") self.sts_client = self.boto_ses.client("sts") # get aws account id and aws region self.account_id: Optional[str] = self.sts_client.get_caller_identity()["Account"] self.region: Optional[str] = self.boto_ses.region_name self.playbook_id = f"{self.account_id}_{self.region}"
@property def deployed_pb_json(self) -> Path: """ Return the path of the deployed playbook json file. """ return Path( self.workspace_dir, f"deployed-{self.account_id}-{self.region}.json", ) def serialize(self) -> dict: local_now, utc_now = get_local_and_utc_now() try: username = Path.home().name except: # pragma: no cover username = "unknown" data = { "deployed_by": username, "deployed_at_local_time": local_now.isoformat(), "deployed_at_utc_time": utc_now.isoformat(), "account_id": self.account_id, "region": self.region, "playbook_id": self.playbook_id, "principals": { id_: principal.serialize() for id_, principal in self.principals.items() }, "resources": { id_: res.serialize() for id_, res in self.resources.items() }, "datalake_permissions": { id_: dl_permission.serialize() for id_, dl_permission in self.datalake_permissions.items() }, "lf_tag_attachments": { id_: lf_tag_attachment.serialize() for id_, lf_tag_attachment in self.lf_tag_attachments.items() }, } return data
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: dict) -> 'Playbook': """ .. note:: When you serialize, all LF tag instance are managed by playbook, When you deserialize, you should manually associate Lf tag instance with playbook :param data: :return: """ pb = cls(_skip_validation=True) pb.account_id = data.get("account_id") pb.region = data.get("region") # for id_, principal_dct in data.get("principals", dict()).items(): # principal = Principal.deserialize(principal_dct) # if principal_dct.get("_playbook_managed", False): # principal.pb = pb # pb.resources[id_] = # for res in pb.resources.values(): # if res.res_type == LfTag.res_type: # res.pb = pb for id_, resource_dct in data.get("resources", dict()).items(): pb.resources[id_] = deserialize_resource(resource_dct) for res in pb.resources.values(): if res.object_type == LfTag.object_type: res.pb = pb for id_, dl_permission_dct in data.get("datalake_permissions", dict()).items(): pb.datalake_permissions[id_] = DataLakePermission.deserialize(dl_permission_dct) for dl_permission in pb.datalake_permissions.values(): res = dl_permission.resource if res.object_type == LfTag.object_type: res.pb = pb for id_, lf_tag_attachment_dct in data.get("lf_tag_attachments", dict()).items(): pb.lf_tag_attachments[id_] = LfTagAttachment.deserialize(lf_tag_attachment_dct) for lf_tag_attachment in pb.lf_tag_attachments.values(): lf_tag_attachment.tag.pb = pb return pb
def _add( self, obj: HashableAbc, collection: Dict[str, Any], type_: Type[HashableAbc], ): if not isinstance(obj, type_): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError if in collection: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"{obj!r} already exists in this playbook!") else: collection[] = obj def add_external_account(self, external_account: ExternalAccount): self._add(external_account, self.principals, ExternalAccount) def add_tag(self, lf_tag: LfTag): self._add(lf_tag, self.resources, LfTag) lf_tag.pb = self def add_dl_location(self, dl_loc: DataLakeLocation): self._add(dl_loc, self.resources, DataLakeLocation) dl_loc.pb = self def add_data_filter(self, data_filter: DataCellsFilter): self._add(data_filter, self.resources, DataCellsFilter) data_filter.pb = self def add_dl_permission(self, dl_permission: DataLakePermission): self._add(dl_permission, self.datalake_permissions, DataLakePermission) if dl_permission.resource.object_type == LfTag.object_type: dl_permission.resource.pb = self def add_lf_tag_attachment(self, lf_tag_attachment: LfTagAttachment): self._add(lf_tag_attachment, self.lf_tag_attachments, LfTagAttachment) lf_tag_attachment.tag.pb = self def grant( self, principal: Principal, resource: Resource, permissions: List[Permission] ): for permission in permissions: dl_permission = DataLakePermission( principal=principal, resource=resource, permission=permission, ) self.add_dl_permission(dl_permission) def attach( self, resource: NonLfTagResource, tag: LfTag, ): lf_tag_attachment = LfTagAttachment( resource=resource, tag=tag, ) self.add_lf_tag_attachment(lf_tag_attachment)
[docs] def load_deployed_playbook(self): """ Load deployed LakeFormation object from the :attr:`Playbook.deployed_pb_json` file. If it is not exists, then initiate an empty :class:`Playbook` and serialize it to :attr:`Playbook.deployed_pb_json`` file """ if self.deployed_pb_json.exists(): self.deployed_pb = Playbook.deserialize( json.loads(self.deployed_pb_json.read_text()) ) else: self.deployed_pb = Playbook(_skip_validation=True) self.deployed_pb_json.write_text( json.dumps(self.deployed_pb.serialize(), indent=4) )
@property def tags(self) -> Dict[str, 'LfTag']: return { res: res for res_id, res in self.resources.items() if res.object_type == LfTag.object_type } @property def tag_mapper(self) -> Dict[str, OrderedSet]: """ Aggregate tag by key, and put values for the same key into a set. """ mapper = dict() for tag_id, tag in self.tags.items(): try: mapper[tag.key].add(tag.value) except KeyError: mapper[tag.key] = OrderedSet([tag.value, ]) return mapper
[docs] def apply( self, verbose=True, dry_run=False, ): # pragma: no cover """ :param verbose: :param dry_run: :return: ** """ self.load_deployed_playbook() self.apply_tags(verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) self.apply_tag_attachment(verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) self.apply_dl_permission(verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) # pb = self.from if dry_run is False: self.deployed_pb_json.write_text(json.dumps(self.serialize(), indent=4))
[docs] def apply_tags( self, verbose=True, dry_run=False, ): # pragma: no cover """ Ref: - Create: - Update: - Delete: """ if not verbose: logger.enable_verbose = False new_tag_mapper, deployed_tag_mapper = self.tag_mapper, self.deployed_pb.tag_mapper ( to_create_tag_id_set, to_delete_tag_id_set, to_update_tag_id_set, ) = get_diff_and_inter(new_tag_mapper, deployed_tag_mapper) to_create_tag_kwargs = [ dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, TagKey=tag_key, TagValues=list(new_tag_mapper[tag_key]), ) for tag_key in to_create_tag_id_set ] to_delete_tag_kwargs = [ dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, TagKey=tag_key, ) for tag_key in to_delete_tag_id_set ] to_update_tag_kwargs = list() for tag_key in to_update_tag_id_set: new_values = new_tag_mapper[tag_key] deployed_values = deployed_tag_mapper[tag_key] values_to_add = new_values.difference(deployed_values) values_to_delete = deployed_values.difference(new_values) kwargs = dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, TagKey=tag_key, ) if len(values_to_add): kwargs["TagValuesToAdd"] = list(values_to_add) if len(values_to_delete): kwargs["TagValuesToDelete"] = list(values_to_delete) if len(values_to_add) >= 1 or len(values_to_delete) >= 1: to_update_tag_kwargs.append(kwargs) if len(to_create_tag_kwargs): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Create tags ..." for kwargs in to_create_tag_kwargs: msg = f"{Fore.GREEN}+ [Create Tag] {Style.RESET_ALL}{kwargs['TagKey']!r}" msg = f"- values: {kwargs['TagValues']!r}", indent=1) if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.create_lf_tag(**kwargs) if len(to_update_tag_kwargs): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Update tags ..." for kwargs in to_update_tag_kwargs: msg = f"{Fore.BLUE}~ [Update Tag] {Style.RESET_ALL}{kwargs['TagKey']!r}" if kwargs.get("TagValuesToAdd", list()): msg = f"{Fore.GREEN}+ values to add{Fore.RESET}: {kwargs['TagValuesToAdd']!r}", indent=1) if kwargs.get("TagValuesToDelete", list()): msg = f"{Fore.RED}- values to delete{Fore.RESET}: {kwargs['TagValuesToDelete']!r}", indent=1) if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.update_lf_tag(**kwargs) if len(to_delete_tag_kwargs): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Delete tags ..." for kwargs in to_delete_tag_kwargs: msg = f"{Fore.RED}- [Delete Tag] {Style.RESET_ALL}{kwargs['TagKey']!r}" if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.delete_lf_tag(**kwargs) logger.enable_verbose = True
[docs] def apply_tag_attachment( self, verbose=True, dry_run=False, ): # pragma: no cover """ Ref: - Add: - Remove: - Get: """ if not verbose: logger.enable_verbose = False new_attach_mapper = self.lf_tag_attachments deployed_attach_mapper = self.deployed_pb.lf_tag_attachments ( to_add_attach_id_set, to_remove_attach_id_set, _, ) = get_diff_and_inter(new_attach_mapper, deployed_attach_mapper) to_add_kwargs_list: List[dict] = list() to_remove_kwargs_list: List[dict] = list() for attach_id in to_add_attach_id_set: attach = new_attach_mapper[attach_id] kwargs = dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, LFTags=[ dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, TagKey=attach.tag.key, TagValues=[attach.tag.value, ], ) ] ) kwargs["Resource"] = { attach.resource.get_add_remove_lf_tags_arg_name: \ attach.resource.get_add_remove_lf_tags_arg_value } to_add_kwargs_list.append(kwargs) for attach_id in to_remove_attach_id_set: attach = deployed_attach_mapper[attach_id] kwargs = dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, LFTags=[ dict( CatalogId=self.account_id, TagKey=attach.tag.key, TagValues=[attach.tag.value, ], ) ] ) kwargs["Resource"] = { attach.resource.get_add_remove_lf_tags_arg_name: \ attach.resource.get_add_remove_lf_tags_arg_value } to_remove_kwargs_list.append(kwargs) if len(to_add_kwargs_list): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Attach tags ..." for kwargs in to_add_kwargs_list: msg = f"{Fore.GREEN}+ [Attach Tag] {Style.RESET_ALL}{{{kwargs['LFTags'][0]['TagKey']!r}: {kwargs['LFTags'][0]['TagValues'][0]}}} to {kwargs['Resource']}" if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.add_lf_tags_to_resource(**kwargs) if len(to_remove_kwargs_list): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Detach tags ..." for kwargs in to_remove_kwargs_list: msg = f"{Fore.RED}- [Detach Tag] {Style.RESET_ALL}{{{kwargs['LFTags'][0]['TagKey']!r}: {kwargs['LFTags'][0]['TagValues'][0]}}} from {kwargs['Resource']}" if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.remove_lf_tags_from_resource(**kwargs) logger.enable_verbose = True
[docs] def apply_dl_permission( self, verbose=True, dry_run=False, ): # pragma: no cover """ :param verbose: :param dry_run: :return: """ if not verbose: logger.enable_verbose = False new_permit_mapper = self.datalake_permissions deployed_permit_mapper = self.deployed_pb.datalake_permissions ( to_grant_permit_id_set, to_revoke_permit_id_set, _, ) = get_diff_and_inter(new_permit_mapper, deployed_permit_mapper) # we use batch grant / revoke API to_grant_entry_list: List[dict] = list() to_revoke_entry_list: List[dict] = list() # aggregate by principal and tag and resource type to_grant_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type: Dict[str, List[DataLakePermission]] = dict() for permit_id in to_grant_permit_id_set: permit = new_permit_mapper[permit_id] key = f"{}_{}_{permit.permission.resource_type}" try: to_grant_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type[key].append(permit) except KeyError: to_grant_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type[key] = [permit, ] for _, permit_list in to_grant_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type.items(): permit = permit_list[0] entry = dict( Id=str(uuid.uuid4()), Principal=dict(, ), Resource={ permit.resource.batch_grant_remove_permission_arg_name: \ permit.resource.batch_grant_remove_permission_arg_value(permit) }, ) permissions = [ pa.permission.permission for pa in permit_list if pa.permission.grantable is False ] permissions_with_grant_option = [ pa.permission.permission for pa in permit_list if pa.permission.grantable is True ] if len(permissions): entry["Permissions"] = permissions if len(permissions_with_grant_option): entry["PermissionsWithGrantOption"] = permissions_with_grant_option permissions_in_message = ", ".join([ for pa in permit_list ]) msgs = [ f"{Fore.GREEN}- [Grant Permission] {Style.RESET_ALL}{} {} {permissions_in_message}" ] entry["_msgs"] = msgs to_grant_entry_list.append(entry) # aggregate by principal and tag and resource type to_revoke_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type: Dict[str, List[DataLakePermission]] = dict() for permit_id in to_revoke_permit_id_set: permit = deployed_permit_mapper[permit_id] key = f"{}_{}_{permit.permission.resource_type}" try: to_revoke_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type[key].append(permit) except KeyError: to_revoke_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type[key] = [permit, ] for _, permit_list in to_revoke_permit_by_principal_and_tag_and_resource_type.items(): permit = permit_list[0] entry = dict( Id=str(uuid.uuid4()), Principal=dict(, ), Resource={ permit.resource.batch_grant_remove_permission_arg_name: \ permit.resource.batch_grant_remove_permission_arg_value(permit) }, ) permissions = [ pa.permission.permission for pa in permit_list if pa.permission.grantable is False ] permissions_with_grant_option = [ pa.permission.permission for pa in permit_list if pa.permission.grantable is True ] if len(permissions): entry["Permissions"] = permissions if len(permissions_with_grant_option): entry["PermissionsWithGrantOption"] = permissions_with_grant_option permissions_in_message = ", ".join([ for pa in permit_list ]) msgs = [ f"{Fore.RED}- [Revoke Permission] {Style.RESET_ALL}{} {} {permissions_in_message}" ] entry["_msgs"] = msgs to_revoke_entry_list.append(entry) if len(to_grant_entry_list): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Grant permissions ..." for to_grant_entry_sub_list in grouper_list(to_grant_entry_list, 20): for entry in to_grant_entry_sub_list: msgs = entry.pop("_msgs") for msg in msgs: if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.batch_grant_permissions( CatalogId=self.account_id, Entries=to_grant_entry_sub_list ) if len(to_revoke_entry_list): msg = f"{Fore.CYAN}[Info] {Style.RESET_ALL}Revoke permissions ..." for to_revoke_entry_sub_list in grouper_list(to_revoke_entry_list, 20): for entry in to_revoke_entry_sub_list: msgs = entry.pop("_msgs") for msg in msgs: if dry_run is False: self.lf_client.batch_revoke_permissions( CatalogId=self.account_id, Entries=to_revoke_entry_sub_list ) logger.enable_verbose = True